These are some of the sort of costumes that we plan on using for the character of Agent Davidson. We like the look of these costumes as they are stylish but not too showy. It's not the undertops that we are looking at, but the jackets, as the undertops look a bit too much on the fashion side, which isn't really suitable for Davidson's character. The first jacket looks more covert, and the sort of thing that an agent might wear to avoid being seen, but as an audience it could be seen as suspicious. Of course, in real life it wouldn't seem as suspicious, but in movies the audience has a hieghtened sense of danger. The second jacket is more natural, and the sort of jacket that Davidson would wear just on an average day, which is also a feel we want to get at, as the mission isn't meant to be as serious as it gets. Perhaps a mixture of these two looks would be relevant, so we'll see what we can find.